About Us

The Hassan Maajar Trust is registered as a non- governmental organization (“NGO”). It is a not for profit, non-partisan organization that works with people in Tanzania and elsewhere to work towards improving the learning environment in schools through the provision school desks and other furniture and learning equipment for schools in Tanzania.

The Trust was establishes in memory of Hassan Shariff Maajar (Hashy) who died in a tragic road accident November 11, 2006. He was nearly 18. Hassan attended school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa in Mbabane, Swaziland. He was a bright child and a promising sportsman. He was his school’s Basketball Captain. He loved Basketball and sports. For his Social Responsibility Class he used to teach sports at a school for disabled children in Mbabane. This is what inspired us to establish the Trust in his memory, to work with schools.

The Hassan Maajar Trust (“HMT”) was formed with the purpose among others to improve the learning environment in schools in Tanzania by helping to procure school desks, chairs and other furniture.

Launched on 11th July, 2011 the HMT heeded President Kikwete’s call, as he launched the Five-Year Development Plan (2011to 2016), projected to cost $42.5trillion with the theme of public-private partnership (PPP). The President appealed to each Tanzanian to own the plan, to be innovative and to volunteer in matters that are important to them and are within their ability. HMT believes that improving the learning environment in schools is an important element of our development and an area the private sector can add value. This is the reason why HMT has decided to focus on the provision of school desks to primary schools in the whole of Tanzania.

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training estimates that there is a deficit of 3.0million school desks for primary schools countrywide. A each sits three to four children, on the basis of which HMT assumes that over 6.0million children are in need of desks. Most of these are currently sitting on the floor, bricks and the like.

Despite uncoordinated efforts of various corporate and individuals to help alleviate the problem of desks in schools the problem persists.

The Hassan Maajar Trust also has aims to improve, encourage and grow SPORTS, MUSIC, DRAMA and ART in schools across Tanzania

These programs will be implemented after we have first helped to procure 3.0 million desks estimated to be the current deficit for Primary schools.